Saturday, March 6, 2010


It is a part of life.

The moment you are born, you begin to die.

My mother taught me this concept very early on – I had to have been in high school or even younger.

I was so concerned about the thought of loosing my mother when I left for college, it was really my only concern about being so far away. Not entering college. Not making new friends. But, rather, what if I get that call while I am away?

I have been experiencing death that has impacted me directly since I was 13. It was then that our close family friend and my big brother was crushed to death by a piece of landscaping equipment. He lived with us and was like my brother. I was devastated.

When I turned 26, my father died after a bout with Stage 4 prostate cancer. Watching someone literally die before your eyes while enduring such pain is awful. I took care of him for 4 months every day while also going to work. When the end was near, I thanked God for reconnecting us and allowing us to spend such quality time together. I then prayed for Him to put my father out of his misery because watching him suffer was becoming too much for me to bare. Several weeks after moving him to his hometown of Springfield, OH and into a VA hospice, he passed away.

Most recently, my aunt went into the hospital with one, fairly common ailment, suffered a massive seizure and then was pronounced brain dead. In what seemed like an instant – she was gone. 10 days after removing the life support, once again, I watched someone literally die before my eyes. My aunt also passed in the hospice.

Today, while talking to my mother, I received a call that my manager’s mother was tragically killed in a freak accident. I could barely leave my manager a message and I was all choked up as I spoke. My soul was instantly convicted thinking of all the times I snapped at my mother or yelled at her. My manager would give her right arm and leg to have that chance once more.

Death. It is the only sure thing in this world after birth. The old saying goes - the only two things that are certain in life are death and taxes. As some of us know better than others (smile), you can avoid paying taxes (even though eventually, it does catch up!). But death? Yeah. About that. No escaping it when your number is pulled.

Life is a many splendid thing. We should enjoy every moment. Pain and sorrow are but for a night, but joy – we are told, cometh in the morning. Life is really too short. Period.

Grudges. Revenge. Loosing sleep. Crying over spilled milk? Plotting and scheming to get someone back who doesn’t even deserve ANYMORE of your time?

Forget about it.

Vengeance is not ours, says our Heavenly Father. God has blessed us with WAY more important things to do, amen?

Here’s list of what we need to focus on…

Honor God first and more sincerely.

Love more truly.

Express more freely.

Live and grow.

Never be afraid.

Speak from the heart.

Apologize more authentically.

Forgive more often.

Have NO regrets.

Take no one and nothing for granted.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Death is.

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